You have obviously had situations when wearing glasses has come in the way of just “being you” or you wouldn’t be reading this.
Whether you wanted to lovingly gaze into someone’s eyes or just wanted to get that perfect look with that little black dress. Perhaps you wanted to play badminton or jump into the pool without worrying about how to manage without your glasses or where to keep them safe so they don’t break and make you literally blind till you get another pair….
Sound familiar? Well then I think it’s about time you discovered that you CAN have better eyesight without glasses!
Many thousands of people around the globe are changing their visual habits and enjoying the freedom of perfect vision without glasses, so why should you miss out?
Did you know that your eyesight gets worse when you are tensed, stressed or upset and angry? And that’s not all – if you are constantly emotionally stressed or your eyes are strained due to long hours behind the computer, your vision will deteriorate over time.
Your eyesight is constantly changing throughout the week and through the course of each day depending on how stressed or relaxed you are. |
You might visit the optometrist or eye doctor at a time when your vision is particularly poor due to emotional stress.
Your optometrist, who is schooled only in conventional visual science, will prescribe you a lovely set of glasses, while convincing you that glasses are ‘good for you’.
Almost everyone I know has accepted wearing glasses as the only solution for poor eyesight… but that’s completely untrue!
Wearing glasses is NOT a form of treatment, it is only a work-around to manage and push you through each day, while over time, actually worsening the extent of damage already caused to your poor eyes!
It’s time you started to question conventional beliefs and open your eyes to the world of natural visual enhancement for better eyesight without glasses, contact lenses or surgery.
The Bates Method For Better Eyesight Without Glasses – A Quick History
The concept of natural eyesight improvement was first introduced to us by a Dr William H. Bates back in 1920. Dr Bates suggested that almost all visual problems are caused by habitual straining of the eyes, and explained that glasses were never needed and actually harmful.
Dr Bates' techniques are based on visualization and eye movement designed to reduce eye strain, thereby improving vision. Unfortunately his work has been met with a lot of criticism by the medical profession, despite the many thousands of people around the world who have benefited from his methods.
Some of his techniques, such as 'sunning' – which requires that you stare directly into the sun – are very questionable, even to a believer such as myself. The good news however, is that Dr Bates wasn't the only one to be working in the field of natural vision improvement.
After William Bates came a score of other more modern vision improvement practitioners, such as the likes of Thomas R. Quackenbush who refined the technique of correcting vision naturally using modern scientific research on eyesight and left/right brain physiology.
It's safe to say now that the field of natural vision improvement has been taken to levels where almost anyone with visual problems can benefit from it.
So it's entirely possible that you too can look forward to one day throwing away those glasses and seeing the world with naturally crystal-clear vision.
Tips for Better Eyesight: Some things you should know/practice to improve your eyesight naturally
- The first step towards being able to see better is to change your attitude and believe that you can have better eyesight without glasses or contact lenses. Just like any endeavor, a positive mental attitude is the key to success.
- Though your optometrist may not bother to tell you, it is widely known and accepted now that good eyesight results from being relaxed and emotionally stable while eating nutritious food and being healthy overall. So achieving better eyesight naturally is actually a holistic approach rather than just some eye exercises or vitamin pills!
A healthy, balanced diet is a key component for better eyesight
- You should know that it is largely your visual habits that decide what happens to your eye muscles and your vision over time. This is not only a mechanical process, but is determined by many physical, mental and emotional factors. Generally, improving your visual habits will lead to better eyesight over time.
- Body posture is another critical factor which can positively or negatively influence the health of your eyes. Physical tension especially around the head, neck, shoulders, jaw and chest limits the smooth movement and functioning of your eyes.
- Aerobic activity or any exercise which involves the upper body will hugely benefit the eyes since they improve blood circulation and therefore increase the supply of oxygen to this area.
- More than 25% of the nutrition your body absorbs goes to feed the visual system, so eat right!
- Children often develop myopia (short sightedness) by eating a lot of white sugar since it depletes chromium present in the eyes. Reducing sugar intake in children is therefore a good way to prevent the onset of poor eyesight. Taking a nutritional supplement might help in such cases. Vitamin C and folic acid are also important. When these nutrients become depleted, your eyes quickly become susceptible to various problems.
- The ciliary muscle which controls the focusing of the lens is controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and the balance of both is what gives clear vision. Imbalance creates either nearsightedness or farsightedness. Certain nutrients increase sympathetic activity (Vitamins B2, B6, folic acid, zinc, magnesium & phosphorus) while others increase parasympathetic activity. So eating the right foods and allowing optimum absorption of nutrients plays a vital role in achieving better eyesight without glasses.
- Our attitude or inner focus is a result of interplay between memories, past experiences, attitudes and expectations. Believe it or not, a positive mental attitude is the “driving force” to improve your vision!
- Our eyes mirror our emotions and therefore how we are feeling emotionally has a bearing on the health of our eyes.
Tips for Good Body Posture and Therefore to Healthy Eyes:
- Keep your spine straight without slouching, shoulders and neck should be relaxed.
- While sitting, your buttocks should be touching the back of the chair, use a cushion if required to close any gap.
- While standing, keep your weight evenly distributed and do not increase the weight to any one side. This avoids straining your spine and has an effect on improving your vision.
- Always use a pillow to support your neck and back while lying down and avoid lying only on one side for long periods.
- Do some eye exercises while sitting or standing or even while lying down; combine this with some simple neck and shoulder exercises for immediate relaxation of your eye muscles.
Vision Correction Exercises
There are various simple vision correction exercises which if done just 10-15 minutes a day, can go a long way in improving your eyesight and eye health. Some of them are:
- Near-to-far shifting of focus
- Corner-to-corner shifting of vision
- Palming
- Moving your head, eyes and nose
- Eye stretches
- Edging
- Eye squeezes
Apart from the above listed eye exercises, as stressed above, the aspect of mental visualization done while coordinating the mind and the eye are of primary importance.
This can be done by spending a few minutes a day observing things around you and relating them to certain sounds or places or a physical shapes. Let go of any negative memories, accept and love yourself as you are.
This makes you brighter, more confident and paves the way to make the channel between your conscious and visual self clearer. Using affirmations is another great way to reach your goal of achieving perfect sight without glasses.
Achieving better eyesight without glasses is definitely possible as long as you have the will and the right attitude, because good vision is much more than 20/20! It is also the capacity to “see” in a much broader sense.
If you do want to get rid of your glasses and get back to “being you”, then you can start right away by de-stressing yourself, eating right, exercising and correcting your posture and visual habits. To learn how to do this in detail, I suggest you read the following article: How To Improve Eyesight Naturally.
Improving your eyesight is easy when you incorporate the right practices and know how to go about it. So think positive, keep smiling and I wish you good luck in your endeavor to achieve better eyesight without glasses and become a “New You”!
Click here to visit How To Improve Eyesight Naturally
Hello Ted,
Excuse me for my unperfect english. I have bought your book “How to improve eyesight…”. It was a great pleasure to read it and practice the exercises. My vision is very, very much better than before (light / medium nearsightedness). I do not wear glasses because I know it is not good for the eyes. I am an 80 years old french speaking retired but with a lot of activities reading books and taking informations. I sold my car to oblige me to walk everyday and I use the public transports to keep my sense of sociability with the other people. I have a question for you please. What about astigmatism (light in my case) and how to get rid of that defect?
Many thanks for your answer and for your point of view about that little problem. Please continue to send me your newsletters.
Sincerely yours. José, Brussels Belgium
Hi José, thanks for writing in.
Astigmatism is actually something that William Bates himself wrote about. You may know that astigmatism has to do with the curvature of the cornea. In the words of Dr Bates, “Astigmatism can always be corrected by relaxation or rest.” So to help reverse your astigmatism, I would recommend focusing more on the relaxation exercises in my book.