To achieve perfect vision, you have to pay attention to the whole visual system – the eyes, muscles, and nerves that connect them to the brain – all need to be healthy in order to perform in the best way that they can. They need precision, flexibility, and coordination, which cannot be otherwise achieved if they are not healthy.
Unfortunately, your visual system is subject to a lot of stress and fatigue because it is being used almost all the time, even while you’re asleep. Therefore, it‘s important for you to take care of all the three components of your vision – the physical eyesight, inner vision, and emotional seeing – in order to achieve optimum function.
What Is Perfect Vision?
Well technically there is no such thing as absolute ‘perfect’ vision, since that would mean you could see with perfect clarity, the smallest of objects no matter how far away it was. There’d be no need for telescopes or microscopes if people could have perfect vision.
But what most people mean by ‘perfect’ vision, is the best eyesight you could have in the absence of any eye deficiencies. Most people have perfect vision when they are young – as children – and their eyesight deteriorates as they get older.
Why Is Perfect Vision More Than Just 20/20?
Physical eyesight is the 20/20 eyesight that people want to achieve, but ’perfect vision’ is more than just that.
20/20 or 6/6 vision are both measures of visual acuity, and both values refer to normal eyesight. 6 metres is equal to approximately 20 feet, so 20/20 vision can be considered the same as 6/6, where the first is measured in feet and the latter measured in meters. I'll refer to just 20/20 to keep things simple. Visual acuity measurement is usually carried out using a Snellen chart, which is a standardized chart that contains a progression of letter sizes for reading at a particular distance.. Upon testing your visual acuity in a standard eye exam, your optician may tell you you have normal vision, i.e. 20/20 vision. If however you were tested to have less than normal vision, the second number, the denominator, would be larger, so with half of normal vision you would be told you have 20/40 vision. The larger the second number the worse the eyesight. It is also possible to have double normal vision (in exceptional cases), which would mean you have 20/10 vision. What 20/20 means is that at a 20-foot distance, you would be able to read the small 20/20 line near the bottom of the eye chart. The letters on this particular line have a height of 1.75 mm. Looking at a particular letter on this line from a 20-foot distance, your eyes would rotate 1/60 of a degree moving from the top border of the letter to the bottom. This is known as the 'visual angle'. 1/60 of a degree is referred to as 1 minute of arc. The thing with angles is as you get further and further away, the same angle will cover a greater and greater distance. So if you were to move the Snellen chart further away to 40 feet, 1 arc minute would cover double the height, i.e. 3.5 mm. As an interesting example, when looking at the full moon from the Earth, your eyes would rotate by 31 minutes of arc while traversing from the bottom edge to the top of the moon. 31 minutes of arc is just above half a degree. The large size of the moon compensates for its distance from the Earth, which is why you don't have to have 20/20 vision to see a full moon. 20/20 vision means that you can resolve lines and spaces that are 1 minute of arc wide regardless of whether you are using near or distance vision. Some Snellen charts are designed for smaller rooms. A Snellen chart for reading at 10 feet would have smaller letters than the standard chart designed for reading at 20 feet. Though the 20/20 line would be half the size in a 10 feet chart, your visual angle will still stay the same at 1 arc minute.
Visual acuity testing may reveal that you have 20/20 vision, which means you have excellent visual acuity. But this says nothing about other important factors of eyesight, such as peripheral vision, depth perception, the ability to see colors, the ability to quickly change focus between near and distant objects, the ability to recognize objects, the ability to avoid eye strain and many more. Visual acuity is neither the only measurement of visual ability, nor is it the most significant.
Contact lenses or a set of eyeglasses may correct for refractive errors and improve your visual acuity, but they do not address these other important aspects of vision. So before you get another eyeglass prescription, consider the following…
Visual Skills That Take You Beyond 20/20!
Developing Your Peripheral Vision
There are different types of visual skills that you need to master in order to achieve perfect vision and go beyond 20/20 eyesight. One of them is the ability to see your total field of vision. Even though you have 20/20 vision, it would not be complete if you do not learn the skills of peripheral awareness as well as central and peripheral balance.
Convergence & Accommondation
Another skill is convergence or binocularity, in which your mind commands your eye to converge on the object. You also have to learn how to focus through the skill of accommodation in order to see an object clearly.
Relaxation & Avoiding Eye Strain
While using your eyes, your eye muscles should be relaxed and flexible. Did you ever notice that your eyesight is worse when you are stressed out? Both stress and eyestrain are known to cause deterioration in your eyesight, so it’s important to learn how to avoid both while using your eyes. Believe it or not both glasses and contacts are a source of eyestrain. Your eyesight can also be affected by fatigue and concentration difficulties.
Developing Your Mind's Eye & Inner Vision
Aside from your physical eyesight, your mind’s eye or inner vision is another important aspect of truly powerful eyesight. This includes visualization, imagination, attitudes, dreams, and memory.
Vision doesn’t involve just the eyes. There is a whole visual system in your body that involves your eyes and your brain. Both are connected by a system of chemical and electrical nerves. When you open your eyes and look at something, your eyes merely receive the stimulus and send a message to your brain via the nervous system. Then your brain deconstructs the message and it is your mind's interpretative faculty and visual processing that does the seeing.
Since your mind plays such an integral part in your vision, it is important that you radiate a positive attitude towards yourself and to others in order to help you achieve better vision. A more positive sense of yourself can help you a great deal in your quest towards perfect vision.
Emotional Seeing
Emotional seeing is best described by the adage, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” Having perfect eyesight means you can express how you feel through your eyes. You also connect with other people through the use of your eyes.
Special Eye Techniques For Better Eyesight
You'll be happy to know that perfect or near-perfect vision can be restored without surgery using simple and natural methods. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of visual defects are NOT permanent, and can quite easily be reversed when you know how. There are a number of different eye techniques that you can use throughout the day as exercises for developing clear and sharp vision. You can do these exercises during your spare time, or you can even multitask while doing other things (be careful when you’re driving though).
Eye Stretching
One example of an eye exercise that you can do is eye stretching, which helps your eye muscles get toned and coordinated. It also helps reduce the pressure in your eyes.
What you need to do is to rotate eyes in a clockwise motion and vice versa for 3 minutes for a total of 20 repetitions in each direction. If you want to do eye stretches as a treatment for astigmatism, you can do so with your head turned to different directions, such as up down, left, and right. Remember to coordinate your eye movements with your breathing.
Eye Squeezing
Another exercise to help you achieve perfect vision is eye squeezing. It enriches circulation and oxygen supply to your eyes, plus it also helps relax your eye muscles by releasing tension. This is also good if you are into the habit of squinting, as it helps you break that habit.
To do eye squeezes, inhale deeply, and then squeeze your eyes tightly. Your other facial muscles should follow suit, as well as the muscles in your neck and jaw. While squeezing, you should also hold your breath. As you exhale, remember to release all the tension in your body, then stretch your eyes and your mouth wide open and give out a huge sigh.
It may take a short while before your eyesight clears due to the eye squeezes, so during these cases you can do a little palming after squeezing your eyes. You may also experience occasional spasms in your eyelids, which is normal.
As part of a holistic approach to achieving perfect vision, you should also try doing affirmations to boost your self-image and release all the negative thoughts from your system. The idea is to de-stress yourself through a positive mental attitude, since – as we know – stress is a major contributor to poor eyesight.
Every morning, you should practice making a list of affirmations in order to cleanse yourself of all the negative energy surrounding you. Affirmations have the power to change your life, not just your vision. Remember that you must first believe in your ability to see clearly in order to do it.
Further Reading
If you want do some further reading and learn about a whole system of visual enhancement for perfect vision, click the link to read my article on how to improve eyesight naturally. Once there, you will discover the system I used to finally throw away my glasses so I could see with the clarity of an airline pilot.
Click here to visit How To Improve Eyesight Naturally